Saturday, 2 November 2013

update: where i've been, whats coming up and rambling!

Hiya everyone, I've been a ghost on here for quite a while now, its been bugging me that i haven't really been on here since summer and now its like 8 weeks until Christmas?! where the heck did the time go?.
it's literally been a case of, I'll post tomorrow, I'll start fresh on Monday etc... 
Buttt I'm happy to say I'm back and hopefully i will be post weekly on here until i get a routine worked out! also happy late Halloween!

whats happening with my fitness posts? 

for now, I'm putting them on a hold, I've been battling a really nasty flare up of whatever wrong with me, if anyone wants me to talk in detail then send me a message and i shall do so, but for quickness, i have been stuck in bed basically since i was last on here. working out just Inst a option for me right now and that really really sucks. also shout out to demi Taylor, who left a lovely comment on my last fitness post, you really cheered me up so thank you!

what i have planned

Ive got a few ideas on some posts that will be up shortly and I'm super excited  about them. so stay tuned for them!


I'm planning on holding a Christmas giveaway and I'm super excited for it. I'm not sure about the details yet but it should be so much fun!

i have really missed this and I'm glad to be back!

kisses xoxo


  1. Hello,

    Great to see you're back, i got so excited to see this post!
    p.s the shout out really made me smile, aw thanks sweetie.
    (If you ever need anyone to talk to i'm here)

    -Demi x x x

    1. thanks love, your so sweet!
      if you ever want to talk email me or something :) xx


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