hey guys, so right now, im currently sitting in bed with a big cosy jumper on, makeup all down my face, coconut oil in my hair, (it actually looks like i havent showered in a year) also im pretty sure i have sause on my face from dinner. i feel pretty rubbish, it hasnt been the most amazing day ever, and i deffently think in these times you have to learn to love yourself.
the first step in learning to love you is, stop comparing yourself to everyone around you. people are different for a reason! its healthy to compare but don't let it take over. you may think, uh who would want my body, my nose is too big and i don't have a thigh gap. i have big hips and my boobs aren't big enough. we only see the imperfections because we are so obsessed about looking perfect. i get so caught up on my imperfections i forget, i have a hour-glass figure, probably the most desired figure by us girls. i have big, full lips with a strong, pernounced cupids bow. i have a big butt, suddenly everyone wants bigger bums. i like all these things about me, but i never tell myself that.
starting from now, every time i think badly of myself, I'm going to write down of a sticky note one good thing about me and put in on my mirror to look at everyday as a reminder.
build up your confidence, stop worrying about pressure from the media. Don't be a sheep and follow the herd. be yourself and let your beauty shine. dress how you want to dress, act how you want to act, most importantly, eat what you want to eat! size has nothing to do with beauty. if your young, your probably surrounded by a ton of immature girls and boys that like to pick on your weight. being skin and bones will not make you any happier, any more popular, as long as your healthy, f*** them! don't let people design you, be your own artist.
feeling down, ugly, worthless, fat?, this is all just a state of mind. do what makes you happy and i swear you will feel so happy and positive.
just like a storm it will pass and reveal a hidden sunshine.
focus on what you know makes you happy, learn to change your state of mind. what people say doesn't matter, don't let them bring you down.
this was such a ramble, i get quite "into" these kinds of topics, everything ends up all over the place!
kisses xoxo
(picture taken from google images)
(picture taken from google images)
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